— Hi again

I'm Kaila

I'm a multidisciplinary graphic designer with layout, print, and digital design expertise. During my career, I have worked with multiple clients, including GreenShield, Cadillac Fairview, Cyderes, and Samsung.

When I'm not designing or figuring out secret JRPG levels, speedrunning (and breaking) your nostalgic childhood video games, reading a good book, hitting a PR in the gym, you'll find my head down, learning and studying a new skill to use in my creative toolbox.


Graphic Design,  Layout Design,  Digital Design,  Print Production,  Email Design,  Typography,  UI Design

► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me► talk design with me
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